

2024年08月10日 中国大陆

In some countries around the world men and women are having babies late in life. What are the reasons? Do the benfits outweigh the drawbacks?

2024年05月18日 中国大陆

Mobile phones and the Internet could have many benefits for old people. However, this age group uses technology the least. What are the benefits for old people of using mobile phones and the Internet? How can we encourage them to use this new technology?

2023年12月30日 中国大陆

A lot of young people do not know how to manage their money when graduating from high school. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to teach them this important skill?

2023年12月30日 中国大陆

Ambition is important for people to want success in many societies. How important is ambition to people? Is ambition a positive or negative character?

2023年11月04日 中国大陆

In many countries, people wear more western-style clothes, e.g. jeans and T-shirts, than local traditional clothes. Why is this the case? Is this a positive or negative development?

2023年08月05日 中国大陆

In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials (e.g. paper, glass andcans). What are the reasons and solutions?

2023年06月17日 中国大陆

Some ex-prisoners commit crimes again after being released from the prison. What do you think are the causes? What can be done to solve this problem?

2023年04月01日 中国大陆

Despite better access to education, a significant number of adults cannot read or write. In what ways are people are disadvantaged without these skills? What government should do for this problem?

2023年01月14日 中国大陆

Some ex-prisoners commit crimes again after being released from the prison. What do you think are the causes? What can be done to solve this problem?

2023年01月07日 中国大陆

Nowadays, consumers are less influenced by advertising than in the past. What do you think are the reasons? Is it a positive or negative development?

2022年12月24日 中国大陆

Throughout the history people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but people have not agreed on what a perfect society would be like. What do you think is the most important element for building a perfect society? How can people achieve this goal?

2022年10月22日 中国大陆

The level of noise around us is constantly rising and is affecting the quality of our lives. What are the causes of the noise? What should be done solve this problem?

2022年09月03日 中国大陆

Many college freshmen find that the courses they choose are not suitable for them. What are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem?

2022年08月13日 中国大陆

The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?

2022年07月09日 中国大陆

It is difficult for people living in cities to get enough physical exercise. What are the causes and what solutions can be taken to solve the problem?

2022年06月11日 中国大陆

Today, people live longer after retirement. What problems will this cause to individuals and society? What can be done to solve these problems?

2022年05月28日 中国大陆

Many people continue to use cars and motorcycles even though they know that they are bad for the environment. Why is this? What can be done to reduce the use of these vehicles?

2022年04月30日 中国大陆

Nowadays, people spend more and more time away from their families. Why is this? What effects will it have on themselves and their families?

2022年01月29日 中国大陆

Some countries spend a lot of money making it easier for the use of bicycles. Why? Is it the best way to solve transport problems?

2021年12月18日 中国大陆

In many countries,families are not eating meals together on a daily basis. Why is that? Is it a positive or negative development?

2021年10月30日 中国大陆

Nowadays many parents put a lot of pressure on children to succeed. What are the parents’ reasons for this? Do you think it is a positive or negative development for children?

2021年09月11日 中国大陆

Natural resources, such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems will it cause? How can we solve these problems?

2021年08月14日 中国大陆

An increasing number of developing countries currently are expanding tourist industries. Why is this the case?Is this positive development?

2021年07月31日 中国大陆

Today food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers. Why is this? Is it a positive or negative trend?

2021年06月19日 中国大陆

In education and employment, some people work harder than others. Why do some people work harder? Is it always a good thing to work hard?

2021年05月22日 中国大陆

Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people?

2021年04月17日 中国大陆

More and more young people today do not spend their weekends or holidays doing activities outdoors in natural environment,such as hiking and mountain climbing. Why do you think it is the case? What can be done to encourage young people to spend time doing activities?

2021年04月10日 中国大陆

Many people believe that bicycle is a healthy and environmentally friendly mode of transport. However, it is no longer the main form of transport. What are the reasons? What could be done to encourage the use of bicycles among the wider population?

2021年03月27日 中国大陆

Health experts claim that walking is the best exercise. However, people are walking less on a daily basis. What has made it happen and how to deal with this?

2021年03月06日 中国大陆

In some countries around the world men and women tend to have their children later in life. Why this happened? What are the effects on society and family life?

2021年01月30日 中国大陆

More and more plastic wastes are polluting in world city, countryside and oceans.What are the problems caused by plastic wastes? What measures should be taken to solve it?

2021年01月16日 中国大陆

In many countries students who leave high school have no understanding of how to manage their money ?Why is this case? What can be done to improve students understanding of how to manage personal finance ?

2020年12月26日 中国大陆

In many countries, people wear more western-style clothes(suits and jeans) than their traditional clothes. Why? Is it a positive or negative development?

2020年11月12日 中国大陆

Competitiveness is seen as a positive quality for people in many societies. How does competitiveness affect individuals? Is it a positive or negative quality?

2020年9月12日 中国大陆

In today's world of advanced science and technology, we still greatly value our artists such as musicians, painters and writers. What can arts tell us about life that science and technology cannot?

2020年9月5日 中国大陆

Many people think there is a general increase of anti-social behavior and a lack of respect to others, what do you think are the causes of this and how to improve it? What solutions can you suggest?

2019年12月14日 中国大陆

Nowadays, people always throw old things away and buy new things, whereas in the past, old things were repaired and used again. What factors cause this phenomenon? What effect does this phenomenon lead to?

2019年12月21日 中国大陆

Today, many people spend less and less time in their homes. What’s the reason for it? What are the effects of this trend on individuals and society?

2019年11月2日 亚太

Throughout the history, people dream to build a perfect society while they haven't agreed how the ideal society would be like. What is the most important element you think to make a perfect society? How do people do to achieve an ideal society?



Many young people in the workforce today change their jobs or careers every few years. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do you advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?


Companies are using various methods to promote their sales. What are those? Which is the most effective one?

2020年2月1日 亚太

More and more people are consuming sugar-based drinks. What do you think are the causes and what can be solutions?

2020年8月1日 中国大陆

In some countries, people waste a lot of food which is bought in shops and restaurants. What do you think are the reasons? What can be done to solve this problem?

2020年8月15日 中国大陆

Some scientists believe that studying the behaviour of 3-year-old children can tell which children would grow up to be criminals. To what extent in your opinion is crime a product of human nature?Is it possible to stop children from growing up to be criminals?

2020年8月20日 中国大陆

Demand of food is increasing worldwide. What are the causes? What measures could the international community take in order to improve the situation ?